Monday, April 12, 2010

My newly adopted viewpoint on the matter...

May I just take a quick moment to ask... What the hell is going on in the world?

I was watching one of the news channels and heard the story about the woman who adopted a young russian kid but it didn't work out so she sent him back to russia with a note!?!?!?!?


You know, this story is wrong on SO many levels...

Firstly... is it REALLY that easy for "some" people to adopt???? I mean, I can't accept that there was ANY type of background check on this woman!?!? Is it just because she was adopting a foreign child and since they're not "really" americans they don't count? Is there a white haired lady behind a desk in her office adorned with religious art who just decided "well.. even if their new parents beat them... at least they get to come to America"?

To think that this little boy, who was just 6 at the time he was adopted, was sent here to a totally strange country.... and when (SURPRISE!!!) he had a little trouble adjusting... this "mother" decided "rather than work to help him... I should just send him back... I don't have the receipt... but I bet they can look it up if I just send them a note".

That is the problem with Americans today! We have become a generation of "trashers". If something isn't EXACTLY what we want, we just throw it away and go get a new one!!!!

You know, I sometimes wonder how we got to this point? I mean, My grandmother Alberta had a large wad of foil in her kitchen drawer that she used and reused often! I think she may have bought the roll shortly after WWII and just kept re-using it! It's not that she couldn't afford to go out and buy a new roll of Reynolds Wrap... there was just no NEED to. I mean, the foil she HAD worked just fine!

And my other grandmother, Nanny... She canned vegetable from her garden every year... and I think she used the same set of jars she bought at the green stamp store, circa 1958! There was no NEED to get new jars!!! Just get some new "seals" and she was good to go!

So what, in say 30 years time, happened to turn us all into a bunch of "users"?

My theory? Wal-Mart

Think about it... before wal-mart... people saved up for quality items and then took care of them!!! Heck, they often passed items as simple as a saw or doll down from generation to generation!!!

Then, Walmart came along...

All of the sudden, items were mass produced! Sure, they LOOK shiny on the shelf... but can you think of a single item you still have in your house right now that you bought at Wal-Mart 10 years ago?

We're a generation that has been programmed to have no long term attachment to any purchases! There's always something thats bigger and better!

That tangent aside, I still can't believe how many people failed that little boy.

I mean, his "mom" put him on a plane with a NOTE!!!! What does it say about homeland security that not one flight attendant thought it was odd?!?!? Not one person READ that note and alerted police BEFORE that kids got back to Russia?!?!?!

There are SO many people to blame in this... and while I still say Wal-mart is to blame for the THINKING of a generation... lets face it... if she were returning a white russian at Wal-Mart... she'd still have needed a receipt!

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