Friday, May 1, 2009

The night that the lights went out in Waldron.

Today's stormy weather reminded me of one of my FAVORITE memories of my Grandmother Alberta.

First, a little back story.

You have to understand that my Grandmother was one of the most faithful, church going people I have ever known. There is no question that she lived her life for Jesus and radiated an amazing light from her faith.

So this story takes place during a stormy day in 1977 or 78.

It had been a particularly stormy day in Waldron, Arkansas. I remember Alberta, my aunt Janet and uncle Billy took frequent trips to the front porch to monitor the approaching storm.

As it got closer, My brother Chuck, My sister Donishia and I huddled together on a couch that was lined along the center most wall in the house.

The wind kept blowing harder and harder and it seemed the sky was a constant bolt of lightning.

Chuck, Donishia and I had huddled so closely that I think we were all sitting on one single cushion... if we could have pushed ourselves into the lining of the couch, we most certainly would have.

Billy and Janet were at the back door watching the storm... And I guess Alberta decided she had to calm my brother, sister and me before we passed out from hyperventilating.

I can remember this next part so clearly that it seems it could have happened yesterday.

Alberta came into the living room and began telling us we shouldn't be scared.... This of course did nothing to calm us.

Then she began talking about bible verses... which I must say calmed us a little.

Her final sentence was " you don't need to worry, the Lord will protect you."

At the very instant that she finished that sentence... lightning struck the house next door... close enough that is caused the light bulb DIRECTLY above Alberta to shatter and rain down like fireworks!

Alberta went from her usual tall stature to a crumpled mass crawling toward the couch, patting her hair to make sure it wasn't on fire!

In UNISON, the three of us kids let out blood curdling screams!

Janet ran in to the living room to tell us it had hit Randy's house, for the life of me I can't remember his name.

Billy and Janet helped Randy and "Swanna" ( I think) get out of their house, and I seem to remember Janet crawling under the house to get kittens or puppies or something... I remember Alberta was more worried than impressed by Janet & Billy's Heroics.

What's so amazing is that I still get spooked by storms... but just as I'm about to get "worked up" I hear Alberta saying "you shouldn't worry, the Lord will protect you".... and that memory makes me smile. It was one of Alberta's favorites stories too!

I was so lucky to grow up in Small Town Arkansas with such amazing family members who made me who I am today! well... the GOOD parts. ;-p


  1. I don't doesn't sound like the lord protected her too well from flying lightbulb glass!

  2. Not one piece of glass hit her. I kind of just chalked it up to my belief that God has a sense of humor... and kind of enjoys pranks every now and then. ;-p

  3. Oh, thanks again for that book yesterday. It's copyright 1938 so I found some hilariously racist/sexist/justabouteverythingelseist cartoons in it. haha
